Indigo Girls
- Indigo Girls [Epic, 1989] C-
- 1200 Curfews [Epic, 1995]

Consumer Guide Reviews:
Indigo Girls [Epic, 1989]
"I am intense, I am in need, I am in pain, I am in love": from the state that couldn't sell Oh-OK, two folkies whose big declamatory voices convince people to take their verse seriously, which is the only way they want it. As with Tracy Chapman, the strategy is to hire extra instruments and still sound like folkies, though when Jay Dee Daugherty adds a climactic fill to "How much further, if you are smooth" (a stone-skipping reference), rock dreams clearly beckon. Docked a notch for dropping the name of the Jeu de Paume. C-
1200 Curfews [Epic, 1995] 